What did you do last summer? Sailing the coast of California. Aviation training aboard the USS MIDWAY or the National Flight Academy. SCUBA diving in Hawaii. International Exchange Program with Sweden, England, Canada, or five other countries, Field Ops in the Pacific Northwest, STEM at the US Naval Academy, Coast Guard small boat tactics. That's what we did.
There are no born leaders. We develop and train America's leaders from the best! We are not a reform program: we only take excellent youth and give them opportunities and experiences that NONE of their peers are getting.
All cadets must grow, both physically and mentally, to stay in our program. Cadets must pass two physical fitness tests per year. The strongest and swiftest, both male and female, can earn spots at the Naval Sea Cadet Corps Special Operations Course (NSWOC) for SEAL, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), or Special Warfare Combat Crewman (SWCC).